I was thinking about starting a blog for a while now, so... Here we are.
I guess, the U.S tour is a very good one to start. It's been a few days we are touring north east, and let me tell you that we have got already a bunch of stories! but i'll come back later on those ones.
Touring is amazing, and I'm very glad to be with my friends Mr. VANTOL, Mr. HILLY & Mr. STOWE. We are seriously a good team so far, and I'm having a blast.
The american roads, up north, are so beautiful, I'm enjoying so much those long drives crossing forests and rivers with good friends and good music, looking forward the next show.
Long drives means, a lot of time to think, and something hits me today. I've always been afraid to grow up, I've always been thinking that getting older was the beginning of troubles, that I won't be able to "dream" anymore... But seriously, I just get today that growing up had good things. Get dreams is a state of mind! I'm not the same I was 5 years ago and I'm getting older, that's a fact, but I kind of like it. I guess that' s what we call "evolution".
I know, it's not really a news, but to be honest it really hits me today, and it sounded so true...
I just want to keep going that way.
I won't just upload pictures or video on this blog. I'm going to write down my thoughts. So, if you guys don't find any interest on it, just watch the pix ;)
I'll be back soon,
All the best
Gr3g Laraigne