Montreal calling.
After all those years in Geneva, after all those good moments tattooing and playing music, and all those good memories, I decided to leave this town for a while.
I’ve been travelling quite a lot those past 2 years, and it’s time for me to set up again and start a new life.
Last summer, spending some times around Canada, I’ve been very impressed about the kindness of the citizens, the energy, and the devotion peoples out there are putting out into art and music. It’s seriously amazing.
It was for me a great source of inspiration and motivation.
As I came back I realised right away I didn’t really belong anymore to Europe that much, even if it was good to see my closest friends and family. A part of me stayed in the other continent…
While I was on tour with Pj Bond, I decided to seize the day and take my chances.
Everything worked pretty well, and I’m actually really glad and happy to announce that, by the beginning of may, I'll be moving to MONTREAL Canada, where I’ll be working @ IMAGO TATTOO fulltime as a permanent artist.
It’s going to be a great experience for me, and I’m extremely proud to join this awesome crew.
Unluckily, friends and customers from Switzerland, I won’t be able to take new big projects, and I will have to do a tight selection for the smallest ones.
I don’t feel comfortable to start tattoos I won’t be able to finish.
And even if I’m planning to come back to Europe once in a while, and guestspot here and then, I have no clue about my schedule yet.
Please, contact me as soon as possible if I started something on you and you want to finish it or if you have a small good project.
Thank you all for your support and your understanding