As you know, last week-end, I had the chance to head up to the 16th Belfort Tattoo Convention. Let me tell you something folks, That show was amazing!!!
The BELFORT TATTOO FAMILY team knows how to organise events!
First of all I had the chance to draw the poster, to hang out with the crew, to play a funny gig with my partners in crime from HATEFUL MONDAY, to make some rad tattoos on very nice customers, and to spend some time with a lot of friends I'm only seeing on the road.
But, I also had the special chance to meet Sir BJ BETTS.
He was, and still is, a pretty big influence for me when I'm studying letters.
Since i started tattooing, his book was always in front of me and was a big inspiration source to understand how does that work.
Letterings and scripts seems to be easy, but it's not...
I'm very glad I had the chance to meet him, to share good times and old school stories.
I did a 3rd place for the best of color on the sunday, I'm pretty stocked about it.

I'm super happy and super honoured to be in it with Christian Nguyen and Shiest D.
If you read french, you should buy it as soon as possible.
I'll post the interview soon.
This week end, I'm hitting the road again for 2 shows with the band, so if you're leaving close to LYON (Fr) or BASEL (switzerland), check the infos:
See you on the road Folks!